Dr. Gajendra Tulsian


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Projectile Motion


You will shoot a steel sphere (projectile) from a spring loaded gun, mounted roughly 1.5m above ground. The goal of the event is to land the projectile at a target distance. You will be given the launch speed, and the height from which the projectile is launched. The launch angle can be adjusted as needed.


  • Each team (1 to 3 students) will be given a target distances, launch height, launch angle, and launch speed.

  • The team then proceeds to do their calculations.

  • Each team, fires the gun TWICE.

  • The variance distances from the target distance for the TWO shots is measured. The team with the LOWEST TOTAL variance distance wins.

Projectile Launcher

Office: (386) 506-3779
Cell: (386) 569-7773

Daytona State College
School of Biological & Physical Sciences
1200 W International Speedway Boulevard
Daytona Beach, FL 32114
