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Paper Plane Pentathlon

Events and Scoring

The paper plane pentathlon is a series of five events. The winner of the Pentathlon will be the student with the highest total points
from the five events. For each event, first place scores 3 points, 2nd place 2 points, and 3rd place 1 point.

Each plane needs to have a airfoil-like structure. "Balling" up a sheet of paper does not constitute a plane.

Event 1: The Lindberg

The longest flight distance is the goal of the event.

  • Planes shall be constructed by all competitors in the first few minutes of the announced competition time.

  • Two launches are allowed per competitor. Only the better flight is scored.

  • The horizontal, straight line distance from the launch point to the spot where the plane touches anything is the distance recorded.

  • The plane flying the greatest distance wins.

Event 2: The Jimmy Doolittle

Planes will fly 5 m from a launch point and FIRST TOUCH the floor as close to a marked point (touchdown spot) as possible.

  • Planes will be constructed before the scheduled competition time.

  • Two flights are allowed per contestant. The better flight is scored.

  • The plane TOUCHING the floor closest to the designated touchdown spot wins.

  • In the event of two or more perfect touchdowns, joint first and so on will be awarded.

Event 3: Wrong Way Corrigan

Planes will be launched, fly across a line 5m away, turn around and land as close to the launch point as possible.

  • Competitors will fold planes from the materials provided before the scheduled competition time.

  • Two flights per competitor will be allowed. The better flight will be scored.

  • The plane must cross 5m line from the launch position. A flight not crossing the target line is disqualified.

  • The plane landing closest to the launch point is the winner.

Event 4: The Rip Van Winkle

The longest flight time is the goal of this event.

  • Competitors will fold planes from the materials provided just before the scheduled competition time.

  • Each competitor will be allowed two flights and the better of the two flights will be scored.

  • The time from launch until the plane strikes any surface will be measured.

  • The plane with the longest flight time will be the winner.

Event 5: The Curtis Le May

The goal of the event is for the plane to perform one complete vertical loop in addition to the longest flight.

  • Competitors will fold planes from the materials provided before the scheduled competition time.

  • Each competitor will be allowed two flights and the better flight will be scored.

  • The plane must perform one complete vertical loop. Planes not doing this will be disqualified.

  • A plane completing a vertical loop and touching down the furthest away from the launch point wins.

Paper Airplane

Office: (386) 506-3779
Cell: (386) 569-7773

Daytona State College
School of Biological & Physical Sciences
1200 W International Speedway Boulevard
Daytona Beach, FL 32114
