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physics olympics
Paper Tower
The objective is to construct the tallest freestanding tower using a single sheet of paper and cellophane tape.
Each team will be supplied with one sheet of 22x28 cm ditto paper and one 50 cm long strip of 1.9 cm wide cellophane tape.
Construction aids such as meter sticks, and scissors will also be provided.
The sheet of paper may be cut into pieces and reassembled as desired. Parts may be rolled, folded or slit.
Tape is used to fasten parts of the tower together. It may not be used to attach the tower to the floor or any other object.
The tower will be constructed using only the paper and tape provided.
Each team must complete the construction of its tower in ten minutes.
A tower shall be freestanding if it remains self-supporting for more than 10 seconds.
The height will be measured as often as possible during construction.
The tallest tower wins.