Dr. Gajendra Tulsian


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Paper Tower


The objective is to construct the tallest freestanding tower using a single sheet of paper and cellophane tape.


  • Each team will be supplied with one sheet of 22x28 cm ditto paper and one 50 cm long strip of 1.9 cm wide cellophane tape.

  • Construction aids such as meter sticks, and scissors will also be provided.

  • The sheet of paper may be cut into pieces and reassembled as desired. Parts may be rolled, folded or slit.

  • Tape is used to fasten parts of the tower together. It may not be used to attach the tower to the floor or any other object.

  • The tower will be constructed using only the paper and tape provided.

  • Each team must complete the construction of its tower in ten minutes.

  • A tower shall be freestanding if it remains self-supporting for more than 10 seconds.

  • The height will be measured as often as possible during construction.

  • The tallest tower wins.

Office: (386) 506-3779
Cell: (386) 569-7773

Daytona State College
School of Biological & Physical Sciences
1200 W International Speedway Boulevard
Daytona Beach, FL 32114
