Dr. Gajendra Tulsian


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Foil Barge


The objective is to construct an aluminum foil barge, that can hold the greatest weight (supplied in pennies) without sinking. A team of 1 to 3 people can enter the event.


  • You will have ten minutes to construct your barge.

  • All barges will be constructed simultaneously, with no modifications allowed after the constructed period has elapsed.

  • After construction, the barges will be held in the "shipyard" until the assigned time for testing.

  • All barges will be constructed from a 15 x 15 cm piece of standard aluminum foil provided at the event. No other material may be used.

  • One team member must be designated as barge captain. He or she shall do all handling of the barge. Barges will be tested in a container of water by allowing the competitor to slowly place pennies into the barge until the competitor decides it has reached a safe limit of loading. If the barge sinks it is disqualified.

  • After the competitor stops adding weight, the barge must remain afloat for at least ONE MINUTE, before it qualifies to be scored. If it sinks during this minute it is disqualified.

  • At the end of a successful one minute free float test, the barge may be scored by counting the number of pennies supported.

  • The barge supporting the most pennies wins.

Foil Barge

Office: (386) 506-3779
Cell: (386) 569-7773

Daytona State College
School of Biological & Physical Sciences
1200 W International Speedway Boulevard
Daytona Beach, FL 32114
