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STEMinar Series
All seminars are Wednesdays from 5:00 - 6:00 pm on the dates listed below. Talks are held in the Mardosky theater at
The Mori Hosseini Center.
Spring, 2015
Using Nature's Catalysts to Make Unnatural Products
Jon D. Stewart
Department of Chemistry
University of Florida
Gainesville, FL
Wednesday, 1/28/15
Molecular Machines for DNA Replication
Linda Bloom
Department of Biochemistry
University of Florida
Gainesville, FL
Wednesday, 2/4/15
Nanoscience and Nanotechnology - An Emerging STEM Area
with New Opportunities and Challenges
Swadeshmukul Santra
Nanoscience Technology Center
University of Central Florida
Orlando, FL
Wednesday, 2/18/15
Darwin then & now
Joseph F Ryan
Whitney Laboratory for Marine Bioscience
University of Florida
St. Augustine, FL
Wednesday, 2/25/15
Mad about poo: A Link between Toxoplasmosis and Schizophrenia
Judith A. Milcarsky, DVM
Daytona Beach, FL
Wednesday, 3/4/15
Epidemiology in Action
Rachel Jean-Baptiste
President, Oxford Epidemiology Services
Vienna, VA
Wednesday, 4/1/15
Exploring the Dark Side of the Universe
Anthony H. Gonzalez
Department of Astronomy
University of Florida
Gainesville, FL 32611
Wednesday, 4/8/15
Determination of the genetic basis for Lyme disease pathogenesis
Mollie W Jewett
Burnett School of Biomedical Sciences
University of Central Florida
Orlando, FL
Wednesday, 4/15/15
The Coevolution of Viruses and Their Hosts, or, Why Viruses Make Us Sick
Marta L Wayne
Chair, Department of Biology
University of Florida
Gainesville, FL 32611-8525
Wednesday, 4/22/15
How fish move through water
James C. Liao
Whitney Laboratory for Marine Bioscience
University of Florida
St. Augustine, FL 32080
Wednesday, 4/29/15