Dr. Gajendra Tulsian


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STEMinar Series

Seminars are every other Thursday from 5:00 - 6:00 pm in room 115 - 226.

Fall, 2023

“Why do I need to know that . . . ?”

Dr. Mike Brumund
Professor of Pediatrics, College of Medicine
University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL

Thursday, 9/7/23

"Did you hear that?"

Dr. Adele Evans
Chief, Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology
Nemours Children’s Hospital, Orlando

Thursday, 9/21/23

"The mathematics of infectious diseases and economic growth"

Dr. Calistus Ngonghala
Department of Mathematics
University of Florida, Gainesville, FL

Thursday, 10/5/23

"Environmental pollutant exposure in Florida sharks"

Prof. James J Gelsleichter
Department of Biology
University of North Florida, Jacksonville, FL

Thursday, 10/19/23

“What Everyone Needs to Know About Artificial Intelligence: Opportunities, Challenges, and Risks”

Prof. Damon Woodard
Director, Florida Institute for National Security (FINS)
University of Florida, Gainesville, FL

Thursday, 11/2/23

"Sex differences in Exertional Heat Stroke Pathophysiology"

Dr. Orlando Laitano
Department of Applied Physiology & Kinesiology
University of Floriday, Gainesville, FL

Thursday, 11/16/23

"Super-enhancers: from understanding mechanism(s) to modulating activity"

Prof. Jorg Bungert
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, College of Medicine
University of Florida, Gainesville, FL

Thursday, 11/30/23

"Confronting Dark Matter"

Dr. Wei Xue
Department of Physics
University of Florida, Gainesville, FL

Thursday, 12/7/23

Office: (386) 506-3779
Cell: (386) 569-7773

Daytona State College
School of Biological & Physical Sciences
1200 W International Speedway Boulevard
Daytona Beach, FL 32114
