Dr. Gajendra Tulsian


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STEMinar Series

All seminars are Wednesdays from 5:00 - 6:00 pm on the dates listed below. Talks are held in the Mardosky theater at The Mori Hosseini Center.

Fall, 2013

The growing influence of Paul Erdos - a legend of 20-th century mathematics

Prof. Alladi Krishnaswami
Department of Mathematics
University of Florida

Wednesday, 9/4/13

Trying to Think Big in Conservation? Space, Time, and Ambition.

Prof. Reed Noss
Department of Biology
University of Central Florida

Wednesday, 9/18/13

Contaminants of Emerging Concern in our Environment

Prof. Nancy Denslow
Director, Protein Chemistry and Molecular Biomarkers Core Facility
University of Florida

Wednesday, 10/2/13

Research Computing infrastructure in the state of Florida

Prof. Erik Deumens
Department of Physics
University of Florida

Wednesday, 10/16/13

Exploring the Architecture of Sound

Prof. Gary W. Siebein
School of Architecture
University of Florida

Wednesday, 10/30/13

Modeling and Simulation in Drug Development

Prof. Hartmut Derendorf
Distinguished Professor and Chairman
Department of Pharmaceutics
University of Florida

Wednesday, 11/6/13

Tick Tock, Tick Tock - how embryos tell time

Prof. Mark Q. Martindale
Professor and Director, Whitney Laboratory
University of Florida

Wednesday, 11/20/13

Understanding the building blocks of everything: experiments with the Large Hadron Collider

Guenakh Mitselmakher
Distinguished Professor, Department of Physics
University of Florida
Gainesville, FL 32611

Wednesday, 12/04/13

Office: (386) 506-3779
Cell: (386) 569-7773

Daytona State College
School of Biological & Physical Sciences
1200 W International Speedway Boulevard
Daytona Beach, FL 32114
